Free Download Traditional Octagon Picnic Table Plans / Pattern (How to build a outdoor furniture table, design # ODF05)
Free Download Traditional Octagon Picnic Table Plans / Pattern (How to build a outdoor furniture table, design # ODF05)
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Traditional Octagon Picnic Table Plans / Pattern (How to build a outdoor furniture table, design # ODF05)
Free Download Traditional Octagon Picnic Table Plans / Pattern (How to build a outdoor furniture table, design # ODF05)
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About the Plans:
Plans are for a traditional octagon picnic table, designed for superior comfort and convenience.
It offers seating on all sides with four attached benches, up to eight people can sit down and have
everything on the table within easy reach. Stylish, practical, and durable, this sturdy pine table
is also perfect for playing cards or your favorite board games after dinner. Octagon dining table
with benches will fit in perfectly with the décor of any porch, patio, or gazebo, or look eminently
stylish just standing alone in the backyard and all can be made with simple tools.
Table Feature:
design #: ODF05
Style: traditional octagon picnic table
Overall: 87-1/2" Dia. 30-1/2" H
Table: 55-1/2" Dia. 30-1/2" H
Bench: 42-1/8" W 18-5/8"D 17" H
Plans Include:
List of Materials
Cutting Lists
Step-by-step Instructions
Detail Drawings
Tools Lists
Safety and Helpful Tips
Read more
Product details
Paperback: 4 pages
Language: English
Package Dimensions:
12.2 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
7 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#496,722 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Plans are good. Can't wait to make this table
Built a few. Easy to follow plans.
Every thing you need to know.
I really like this. It shows just how to make the table that I wanted to make. I would tell a friend to buy it no problem
Excited about this project! Very fast delivery. Will leave more feedback later. Thank you so much!
Great project with very good and detailed instructions. There are also suggestions to help avoid complications.
Very user friendly
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